Monday, April 7, 2014


Why do we indulge in sugary foods that are poisonous to our bodies and choose to deal with the consequences of working out later or not?
Why do we choose to take a nap and continue to procrastinate instead of finishing our homework due the next day?
Why do we consume ten too many alcoholic beverages when we know that the next day we will have the worst hangover of our lives?
     The above questions all have one thing in common- thinking in the present and not worrying about the future. You may think many people have this problem and that we should begin to worry about the future and begin planning and such but the truth of the matter is that the majority of this procrastinating relaxed group of individuals lies mostly between the ages of 13 and 19 which is basically in the teenage years. We have no real perception of reality and feel as though we must live life fast paced and for the most part do not handle our responsibilities as much as we should. For the most part we care about our current status of happiness without realizing the consequences of tomorrow. 
     However, on the complete opposite aspect, our lives for the next 40, 60, 80 years is also not guaranteed and we must learn to live in the moment and do exactly what makes us happy because we could die tomorrow. People who do not relax and break the rules every once in a while tend to suffer more socially and live more depressing lives. I would go as far to as to say that these people are too caught up in the system that society has created for us in this life and have closed-minds. Learn to be happy on your own and not through the way someone else's guidelines and checklists have provided you with. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The System

     Many of us are just realizing that we could have achieved so much more than we did throughout high school and when we make this realization unfortunately we do not know exactly how to respond to it. We have realized that maybe if we had paid more attention in our classes our freshmen and sophomore years, we would not be in the positions we are now. 
    For me, it was sophomore year that was basically a complete fail. I failed one class all year, Chemistry, with a D+ and failed the first semesters of both Algebra II and AP Modern World History. Junior year I retook all those classes and passed them with A's and B's. Now, my reason for failure was definitely not for lack of intelligence because believe me, I was that skilled smart student. The problem was more because of my immaturity and lack of understanding how gravely any choice I made then affected my future now. I was extremely lazy and simply did not care. I used to put the PRO in PROcrastination! I was also on the verge of quitting AVID which was the only real helpful class in which I benefited and acquired multiple academic skills that I still utilize today. However, I am so glad I never did. 
     Anyways, I did not get my things together until Junior year and by then as many of you have realized it was far too late since colleges calculate our grade point average through our sophomore and junior years. Which brings me to my next point, I find it terrible that we as students are only judged based off our test scores because these honestly do not reflect our true persona. Students are not evaluated on personality or social skills and interactions with human beings which actually matters greatly in the world because we are constantly dealing with humans and there will be no way to isolate ourselves from them if we expect to live in this country then we will be forced to engage in society. However, the way college admissions decide to choose their students is ineffective but it will soon be their loss for missing out on amazing, well-balanced, creative, wise, life-changing students.