1) Accomplice (n) -a person who knowingly helps another in a crime or wrongdoing
I split half of my stolen money with my accomplice at the time in the year of '57.
2) Annihilate (v) -to destroy the collective existence or main body of; destroy utterly
Six million Jews were annihilated during World War II.
3) Arbitrary (adj) -subject to individual will or judgement without restriction
The jury's arbitrary statements led to the confirmation of being guilty.
4) Brazen (adj) -shameless or impiadent
I live a quite brazen life that many elders do not approve of.
5) Catalyst (n) -a person or thing that precipitates an event or change
Meeting him was the catalyst in my life that in turn, alieviated my situation.
6) Exodus (n) -a going out a departure or emigration, usually of a large number of people
The exodus of the Mexicans in California left the fields unattended.
7) Facilitate (v) -to make easier or less difficult; help forward, to assist the progress
The Jenson's were asked to help facilitate the meeting.
8) Incorrigible (adj) -bad beyond correction or reform
By now I had realized the damage was done, and many if my errors were incorrigible.
9) Latent (adj) -present but not visible, apparent, existing as potential
It was clear that I was not bringing forward my latent real self during my time of grieve.
10) Militant (adj) -vigorously active and aggresive, especially in support of a cause
The mob had a very serious militant look as they marched down the street chanting the mayor's name.
11) Morose (adj) -gloomily or sullenly ill, humored as a person or mood
She created a morose aura in the classroom the minute she began reading her essay in class.
12) Opaque (adj) -not transparent or translucent; imprnetrable to light
Many of the children's stories were opaque and definitely needed some clarification.
13) Paramount (adj) -chief in importance or impact; supreme above others in rank or authority
Her performance always paramounted the rest in skill, timing and effort.
14) Prattle (v) -to talk in a foulish or simple-minded way
She was known to prattle over the tiniest incidents and everyone knew she noticed absolutely every detail.
15) Rebut (v) -to refute by evidence or argument to oppose by contrary proof
No matter what he stated, we processed to rebut his claims to prove him guilty.
16) Reprimand (n) -a severe reproof or rebuke, especially a formal one by a person in authority
Although having received countless reprimands I still knew that in the end I was correct and no matter what the authorities tried to tell me, I'd fight until I possibly could.
17) Servitude (n) -slavery or bondage of any kind
In a way, a maid's servitude is very similar to living the lifestyle of a slave with very little pay and no physical threats but worse ones- emotional ones.
18) Slapdash (adv) -in a hasty manner, careless
The form in which Mr. Ilac presented his speech had slapdashingly effects on the crowd.
19) Stagnant (adj) -not flowing or running as water, air stale or foul from standing
As we reached the funeral stepping outside our cars we immediately felt the stagnant air crush our bodies and steal our voices.
20) Succumb (v) - to give way to superior force; to yield to disease, wounds, old age
With very little fight back, the peasants succumbingly gave in to their king and returned to a hard's day at work.