Monday, September 16, 2013

Fall Vocab #5

 1) Adroit (adj) -cleverly skillful, resourceful or ingenious

Mrs. Byrne's adroit Honors English class of 2014 demonstrated student proficiency and are being awarded by visiting Hawaii this summer as a Senior trip.

2) Amicable (adj) -characterized or showing goodwill; friendly

The teacher had her amicable mother substitute for the day which I enjoyed after I realized she was handing out bags of candy.

3) Averse (adj) -strong feeling of opposition; opposed

The averse team came back with a much stronger statement than their previous one. 

4) Belligerent (adj) -warlike character, aggresively hostile

The thousands of soldiers fighting on the Union side utilized their belligerent attitudes to win the Civil War. 

5) Benevolent (adj) -characterized by or expressing good will or kindly feelings

The benevolent man at the Donut Shop threw in a few extra donuts in my box.

6)  Cursory (adj) -going rapidly over something, without noticing details

I was unfortunate to be given the cursory Calculus teacher for the second semester. 

 7) Duplicity (n) -deceitfulness in speech or conduct; acting in two different ways to different people concerning the same matter

The duplicity the judges resulted in the absolute best performer possible.

 8) Extol (v) -to praise highly, laud

The Greek extolled the acropolis building because it literally meant "high city".

9) Feasible (adj) -capable of being done, effected or accomplished 

She maintained a feasible attitude all throughout Junior year when she discovered the key to her problem.

10) Grimace (n) -a facial expression, often ugly or contorted that indicates disapproval, pain

My father greeted me with  grimace when he witnessed me return simply two minutes past curfew. 

11) Holocaust (n) -a great or complete devastation or destruction especially by firing

The Holocaust in Germany left many devastated and marked a great turning point in the German's history.

 12) Impervious (adj) -not permitting penetration or passage incapable of being injured or impaired

My raincoat was impervious to any rain because it costed $40.

13)  Impetus (n) -moving force, impulse, stimulus

The car hit the woman as the strongest impetus she had dealt with.

14) Jeopardy (n) -hazard or risk of exposure to loss harm, death or injury; peril or danger

Eddie's procrastination had set him in jeopardy of failing the course for the semester. 

 15) Meticulous (adj) -taking or showing minute details; precise, thorough

Her meticulous speech was not enough to catch anyone's attention resulting in half of the room falling asleep. 

 16) Nostalgia (n) -a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's lives

A feeling of nostalgia is one many will experience throughouy their lifetimes.

17) Quintessence (n) -the pure and concentrated essence of a substance

My anti-biotic prescriptions were a quintessence of azthrithidrozemil. 

18) Retrogress (v) -to go backward into an earlier and usually wise condition

It was best to retrogress and review the applied skills and knowledge in order to perform the task at the best of his abilities. 

19) Scrutinize (v) -to examine in detail with careful or critical attention

The lab scientists scrutinized my cat scans to see if there wa anything unaparent in my body.

20) Tepid (adj) -characterized by a lack of force or enthusiasm

The tepid children in the back row understood the material yet refused to demonstrate it infront of the classroom. 

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