Monday, September 9, 2013

Fall Vocab #4

1) Accede (v) -to give consent, approval or adherence

My mother acceded me the rest of the week.

2) Brandish (v) -to shake or wave, as a weapon 

Alex savagely brandished his sword at the children. 

3) Comprise (v) -to include or contain

Maggie comprised the new child in the group so that he wouldn't feel left out.

4) Deft (adj) -dexterous; nimble; skillfull; clever

Eddie, a very deftful student, received a 25 on his ACT.

5) Destitute (adj) -deprived of; lacking food, clothing and shelter

While in Africa, the girls were deprived much of their clothing.

6) Explicit (adj) -clearly developed or formulated

Her ideas were explicitly stated throughout her essay.

7) Extirpate (v) -to remove or destroy totally; do away with

The citizens decided to extirpate the corrupt dictator.

8) Inopportune (adj) -inappropriate; inconvenient; untimely 

The film was quite inopportune for the age group.

9) Ironic (adj) -using words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning

It was pretty ironic that the teacher's son had received an F on his report card.

10) Musty (adj) -having an odor or flavor suggestive of mold

The librarian's clothing had a very musty scent.

11) Officious (adj) -objectionably aggressive in offering one's unrequested and unwanted services

The escort lead the woman officiously to the doorway.

12) Ominous (adj) -portrending evil or harm; threatening

The alley way looked tremendously ominous yet, we decided to take it anyway.

13) Pinnacle (n) -the highest or culminating point, as of success, power, fame

The CEO of McDonald's decided to lower the price of their Big Macs. 

14) Premeditated (adj) -done deliberately; planned in advance

Julio's premeditated murder was a success.

15) Rampant (adj) -violent in action or spirit; raging; furious

When it comes to doing things right, Izamar will handle tasks ramapantly.

16) Solace (n) -comfort in sorrow, misfortune or trouble; alleviation of distress or discomfort

She was my solace on rainy, lonely days.

17) Stately (adj) -majestic; imposing in magnificence 

The stately portrait of Mona Lisa is kept in Paris, France.

18) Supple (adj) -bending readily 
without breaking or becoming deformed; pliant; flexible

The most supple item in my backpack is my ruler.

19) Suppress (v) -to put an end to the activities of a person, body of  persons

All my activites after school were temporarily suppressed after my parentals had found out about the party. 

20) Venal (adj) -willing to sell one's influence; especially in return for a bribe 

Angel venally helped the children at tutoring.'

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