Monday, June 2, 2014

Masterpiece/Course Reflection

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Masterpiece/Course Reflection

            The Open Source Learning course definitely comes with a great deal of responsibility and passion. I would say the second one is probably the most important one. From the moment I chose to be in this course I knew it would be extremely different from the rest, little did I know exactly how different. I definitely believe we as students deserve it because each and every single one of these students have been brainwashed since the minute they began their education and it is fair to say that we all deserve this chance to prove the many things we are capable of doing when a magnificent teacher, such as our conductor did, provides us with the chance to by letting us have the world in the palm of our hands. I feel like every student has earned it and there is no one thing anyone could have done to earn it because we all need it and so do the generations to come. I would now say that we definitely all did not honor it as much we should have and this goes directly back to what I spoke about in the survey when I mentioned that a few of us remained “stuck” if I may, in a certain trance where we knew exactly what our passion was and what excites us and what makes us get up every morning but just not exactly how to accomplish it or in which direction to go, however, other students did break these boundaries though. It is okay for those who have not reached their desired destiny or goal yet because that just means they are in the process and will soon get there.
            I definitely reconnected with my life-long passion because as ironic as it is, school absolutely prevented me from doing so with all their pointless assignments and constant irrelevant requests; with the exception of this course. I apologize but we as students know nothing but the truth and school is suppose to be about the students in a positive manner not negatively as it has been overtime with its strict expectations and lack of variety in chosen paths for students. I have many passion but my main one which is what I see myself doing with the rest of my life will always be the desire to make the world a better place because I strongly believe that if I can change the mind of just a single person then that will be enough to continue the chain of spreading love throughout the world. I also realized that this is the reason why I become upset many times- because I see far too many bad things in this world and not knowing exactly how to handle some situations really angers me but I guess that just means I still have much to learn about my masterpiece field and how exactly I transition it into a lifestyle. If and when I go to college I will continue to take classes that help broaden my view on the mental aspect of the human being and what I can do to change it and better it.
            I am not too sure about “laugh out loud” but I definitely did read many things that inspired me and taught me a lot about my passion. On second thought, the very first novel I chose to read for this particular course was “Ishmael“ by Daniel Quinn I believe, just going based off my memory, because it spoke about human beings and our history overtime and the two types of people we have chosen to be and have evolved to until present day. The part I find
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humorous in this piece was the fact that they decided to make the most important character in the story a gorilla; a gorilla that speaks and has a complete intellectual mind of his own. It was fascinating because everything said could not be truer and the fact that it was a gorilla speaking allowed us to view ourselves as humans through the eyes of a different species who knew much more about us than we did about ourselves. The moral of that story was to prove to us that we as human beings grew to become far too possessive and materialistic. We began owning things as if they had always belonged to us including mother nature, when in reality, mother nature controls us and there is nothing we can do about it but wonder.
            The unifying theme that runs through each and every single presentation in the classroom has got to be passion. Passion is the underlying basis for all the foundations we have formed here. Without passion there is nothing, and we all know that that is true. You can tell if and when there is passion in these presentations when it is everyone’s time to present. I could feel the love in Daniel’s presentation when he spoke about cooking because I know that it is what he loves to do. I could feel the passion Bobby has for art whether it is on the streets or on a sheet of paper. I could see Tiana’s fascination when she traveled across the Atlantic to another world of culture, language and customs etc. especially because I myself love and want to travel the world. Passion is just something you can feel and no one else. What is important or fascinates you may not fascinate others but that is only because everyone is different and that is perfectly fine. Could you imagine if everyone was the same and we had everyone doing the same boring thing as the next person for the rest of our lives? Well then, as we all know, the world would not function.
            I am not the hero I have planned yet to be, but I feel like a hero on the sense that I have become so much closer to that thing that I love and feel completely inseparable to my passion because I have chosen to learn so much more about it thanks to this course. I found multiple mentors and I have come to realize that many of the people I have helped, physically and mentally, have served me that purpose of being mentors in a way because they are my learning tools and they are exactly what I am studying. I feel like I am not done yet and I still have so much more to cover and I will probably create another blog in my adventure if not keep this one to continue reflecting and sharing my opinions, thoughts and revelations about the subject. There is no way in hell I would have been able to pay more attention to the subject of my interest if it would have not been for this class and our savior Doctor Preston. I hope this course serves the future generations of students that will hopefully follow in our paths, if not achieve bigger and better things than we will.

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