Life during high school and life after high school will be similar in the sense that we all as individuals are still going to be forced to follow a set of principles established by the authorities as we did in high school. There will definitely be much more freedom in the way you choose to live your life but depending on whatever direction you go in, whether it is college or a job, you will still have to follow certain rules as you previously did while attending this learning institution.
I think and and more than one hundred percent positive that when we graduate everyone will learn from their own mistakes, as many of us have already. Graduating and figuring out what to do next with our lives will be ultimately all up to us. We will no longer have a teacher or parent leading us in a certain direction, therefore, we will be forced to make choices that will end up being either a lesson or a blessing. Through this, we will learn to become a better version of ourselves and maybe then we as individuals will finally figure out exactly what we want to do on the planet.
There is a significant difference in life before and after high school. I view high school as more of a kid jail, at least mentally. However, once we are out of high school, and say for example attending college, our freedom of expression will change completely. We will learn and begin to see new and amazing things we did not ever think about or know about before. Learning styles will hopefully be much more different and enthralling for the student. We will be forced to balance our social, academic and work life because we will simply have no other choice, and if you screw up in any of those you will bounce right back and figure it all out until everything is okay because that is what life is all about.
My expectations of the world around me and as I move on are based off of what I have witnessed growing up over the years, and that is that people will mature and finally become their own person; not what their friends would define them as or what their parents always wanted them to be, but finally their true selves. This may be very difficult to understand and cope with at first but it is something that everyone will experience and surpass overtime. I expect many people to change and I can only hope for the positive way. I expect myself to become much more responsible and much more motivated with continuing life only doing things that I enjoy and less of what I need to complete.
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