Friday, January 17, 2014


1) Accoutrements (n) -personal clothing and accessories 
The accoutrements at Ross clothing stores are not costly and still very attractive.
2) Apogee (n) -the highest or most distant point; climax
She was at the utmost apogee of realization in her life than she had ever been before. 
3) Apropos (adv) -fitting to the purpose; opportunely 
One of my brightest kids failed to excel in many apropos propositions. 
4) Bicker (v) -to engage in petulant argument 
The constant bickering at home only prevented me from concentrating on my homework.
5) Coalesce (v) -to unite as to form one mass 
The coalesce of the student body against the staff was unlike something they have ever seen before.
6) Contretemps (n) -an inopportune experience or embarrassing mischance Contretemps did not fail to occur every one time he appeared to be around.
7) Convolution (n) -a coiled condition or rolling together 
Witnessing the convolution of worms completely grosses me out.
8) Cull (v) -to choose, select or pick 
Culling can be the most difficult step for everything in life for many of us.
9) Disparate (adj) -distinct in kind, essentially different 
No matter how similar, twins will always be disparate and that may be difficult for many to see.
10) Dogmatic (adj) -asserting opinions in an arrogant matter 
The teacher was more dogmatic when it came to his disciplinary choices.
11) Licentious (adj) -sexually unrestrained 
To be licentious would not be an admirable trait.
12) Mete (v) -to distribute by measure 
At the camp, they had to mete out our soup every day.
13) Noxious (adj) -harmful to health or physical well-being 
The toxic fumes I was breathing in while dying my hair were quite noxious.
14) Polemic (n) -a controversial argument 
Many would agree that legalizing cannabis is quite a polemic topic to discuss.
15) Populous (adj) -heavily populated region 
The populous city of Tokyo will soon triple the population size of the state of Wyoming.
16) Probity (n) -integrity, uprightness, honesty 
No matter what the occurrence, I will always value probity over the error committed.
17) Repartee (n) -a quick, witty reply 
It seemed as though every single time we argued, she would simply slam back with a repartee, making no further plead for progress.
18) Supervene (v) -to take place or occur as something additional 
My father always seemed schedule activities simply to supervene upon my plans.
19) Truncate (v) -to shorten or cut off a part 
I never understood why my grandfather truncated all his beautiful trees when my grandmother passed away.
20) Unimpeachable (n) -unquestionable as to honesty and truth 
Many trials become unimpeachable as no one wants terminate the case pleading guilty.

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