Thursday, October 17, 2013

Essay Prompt #2: Steve Jobs' Commencement Address

     Nobody wants to die, yet when we choose to live, are we truly living our lives to the fullest? Most likely not. Ninety percent of humans beings on the planet lay in their deathbeds wishing they could have accomplished more before their lives came to an end. We constantly hear motivational speakers here and there attempting to inspire us and liberate us from our mental prison and that "I can't" phase that most of us live in. Many actually take initiative and do not let these gifted speakers' words go in one ear and out the other, yet some need a little more individual guidance. In 2005, Steve Jobs delivered his famous commencement speech for the students of Standford University in which he acknowledges his faults and weaknesses and reminds the students that they must indeed continue to move forward when they have encountered an obstacle. Jobs argues that as a man of experience in the work field with various failed attempts, he has come to understand that the only way to succeed is to literally never give up. Well, some may not take this particular route and still manage to end up doing just fine while others will listen to his words of advice with an open heart and continue striving for what they have always believe in until they have made it to where they want to be.  
     This speech was amazing and truly inspiring. A quote by Robert H. Schuller reminds us that, "tough times don't last, but tough people do." Steve mentioned how the moment he began to live in fear due to his failures he immediately did what he could to change it. He obtained that personal drive within him to get him to where he marked his line for success. His speech reminds us that we are capable of achieving anything we set our minds to, no matter how big, no matter how small. He encourages us to believe in ourselves and achieve wonderful things because the world will always need us. He also mentioned that he had committed many mistakes yet, learned from each and every single one of them. This is extremely true. You cannot be old and wise if you have not been young and stupid. He not only claims that failures can be helpful and guide us into a new direction but even goes as far as to say that without committing these errors, we would not be better human beings than we were previously. Not only do achieving our dreams make us successful, but they also give us a sense of pride and make you feel great emotionally after accomplishing anything. The individual satisfaction that you achieved something awesome is priceless.  
     On the other hand, many people may find some faults in his speech and take offense to some of the key points. We can agree that motivation and determination is a great quality to possess, yet what if striving for this quality completely kills you? Physically and mentally? Lets say someone who is physically incapable of running a mile under six minutes due to any particular disease or internal birth defect decides to take on the challenge because they know that in this world they are capable of doing absolutely anything. Yet they physically cannot, but their goal has always been to run a six minute mile. This person will constantly work nonstop until he or she reaches their goal. A lot of mental and emotional strain may take a toll on this person and drain them out to the point where they may need to visit a hospital and suffer severe medical conditions. These mental and physical breakdowns can prevent them from living their lives to the fullest ever again. The particular way in which money was portrayed caught my attention. Money was associated far too much with power. These two things can become dangerous when placed together, yet in Jobs' speech he mentions he could have lost millions had he departed from the Apple company. This single example informs us of his priorities and the value he puts on life. He mentions he feels as though he would have failed if he had not returned to the company. Although many Americans may associated our currency as a form of success, we also have those who put an emphasis more on morals and values rather than a physical object which can be taken away from you at any given moment. 
     The speech can be interpreted in multiple ways, but we must always keep in mind that the point he is making is to never give up on your dreams from whatever reasons, and especially if someone tells you that you cannot do it, then you have no other choice but to prove them wrong. Jobs has changed many lives with that single speech. Had we never been exposed Steve Jobs' actual struggles before becoming Apple's CEO, we would have been forced to believe that he had it easy all the way through his own career and climb the corporate ladder. It is important for students to be aware of his lifestyle before and after he tackled an idea he felt he was not capable of.

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