Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Fall Vocab #6

1) Accede (v) -to give consent, approval or adherence

I was acceded from class when the phone rang requesting me for my dentist appointment.

2) Brandish (v) -to shake or wave, as a weapon 

Angel brandished his sword at Maggie's body as a form of defense. 

3) Comprise (v) -to include or contain

My chemistry teacher managed to comprise a sixteen by sixteen Aluminum piece of foil into a two by two squared cube. 

4) Deft (adj) -dexterous; nimble; skillfull; clever

The Blacksmith was quite defty in the process of creating the horseshoe.

5) Destitute (adj) -deprived of; lacking food, clothing and shelter

At times, I find myself feeling destitute when I compare myself to my classmates.

6) Explicit (adj) -clearly developed or formulated

Her claim was explicitly stated in her intricate speech. 

7) Extirpate (v) -to remove or destroy totally; do away with

My little sister extirpated the ladybug from the surface of the windshield.

8) Inopportune (adj) -inappropriate; inconvenient; untimely 

My environmental science teacher was inopportune atthe worst of times. 

9) Ironic (adj) -using words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning

Life is ironic in so many ways; for example, we ignore those who love us and love those who ignore us. 

10) Musty (adj) -having an odor or flavor suggestive of mold

My shoes had become quite musty after being left out in the rain for two days.

11) Officious (adj) -objectionably aggressive in offering one's unrequested and unwanted services

The officious waiter insisted that we order the lobster plate when clearly no one at the table so desired it.

12) Ominous (adj) -portrending evil or harm; threatening

I felt a tadbit uncertain about the ominous-looking police officer at my door. 

13) Pinnacle (n) -the highest or culminating point, as of success, power, fame

On the pinnacle of her career, Katy Perry has released her new outstanding single titled, "Roar."

14) Premeditated (adj) -done deliberately; planned in advance

Many believe Tupac Shakur's death was the result of a premeditated murder. 

15) Rampant (adj) -violent in action or spirit; raging; furious

When my sister acts in a very rampant way when my parents refuse to purchase something for her. 

16) Solace (n) -comfort in sorrow, misfortune or trouble; alleviation of distress or discomfort

Sometimes I like to go outdoors during the nighttime and become lost in solace returning feeling satisfied.

17) Stately (adj) -majestic; imposing in magnificence 

The stately statue was displaced at the Museum of Tolerance for all to enjoy. 

18) Supple (adj) -bending readily 
without breaking or becoming deformed; pliant; flexible

My supple ruler was able to bend 360 degrees. 

19) Suppress (v) -to put an end to the activities of a person, body of  persons

Before the 20th century, when fenales were supressed by males, many did not feel the need to fight back and truly felt they were not worthy. 

20) Venal (adj) -willing to sell one's influence; especially in return for a bribe 

The venal english teachers always presented us with new ways for extra credit to raise our grades.

21) Adroit (adj) -cleverly skillful, resourceful or ingenious

The Romans introduced us to their adroit water system consisting of multiple aqueducts, similar to what we use today. 

22) Amicable (adj) -characterized or showing goodwill; friendly

Since my mother is extremely amicable  we are normally able to receive more goods than usual.

23) Averse (adj) -strong feeling of opposition; opposed

The averse team presented ideas that I had not yet considered or rarely ever thought of which were completely true. 

24) Belligerent (adj) -warlike character, aggresively hostile

The principal came off as belligerent when she yelled atthe students the minute they stepped off the bus. 

25) Benevolent (adj) -characterized by or expressing good will or kindly feelings

Some teachers feel the need to express their benevolent side by raising the students grade on their report cards even if they may not have earned it. 

26)  Cursory (adj) -going rapidly over something, without noticing details

The exam was so strenious that I had gone through it very cursory  
and regreted it right after.

27) Duplicity (n) -deceitfulness in speech or conduct; acting in two different ways to different people concerning the same matter

I could read the duplicity in her words during her speech and respected the fact that she viewed both sides of the argument instead of remaining strongly opposed to the averse team. 

28) Extol (v) -to praise highly, laud

I extol about four good teachers in my past thirteen years of edcation of which whom I shall never forget. 

29) Feasible (adj) -capable of being done, effected or accomplished 

Although strenious, I knew the amount of work was tackable and feasible. 

30) Grimace (n) -a facial expression, often ugly or contorted that indicates disapproval, pain

The grimace on my father's face told me the answer to my question, "Can I go to the game on Friday?"

31) Holocaust (n) -a great or complete devastation or destruction especially by firing

Hitler's holocaust during World War II was one of the worst acts in the history of mankind. 

 32) Impervious (adj) -not permitting penetration or passage incapable of being injured or impaired; immune

The dam served as an inpervious institution for the people living in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina.

33) Impetus (n) -moving force, impulse, stimulus

When he walks past me in the hallways he creates this impetus within me that I cannot control.

34) Jeopardy (n) -hazard or risk of exposure to loss harm, death or injury; peril or danger

I tend to put myself in jeopardy of not proving my true self when I stress too much about schoolwork.

 35) Meticulous (adj) -taking or showing minute details; precise, thorough

I appreciate art work that presents meticulous meaning.

36) Nostalgia (n) -a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's lives

Certain smells and songs do nothing but return a sense of nostalgia.

37) Quintessence (n) -the pure and concentrated essence of a substance

The quintessence of H2O is a vital resource necessary to survive by everyone.

38) Retrogress (v) -to go backward into an earlier and usually wise condition

Many of us wish we could retrogress time to return to those happier and easier times.

39) Scrutinize (v) -to examine in detail with careful or critical attention

My mother scrutinizes every single piece of clothing she comes across with when it comes to shopping. 

40) Tepid (adj) -characterized by a lack of force or enthusiasm

This English class has been acting tepid in the previous six weeks and I sometimes wonder if it is because we are all experiencing the exact same thing yet we avoid the situation by not talking about it. 

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