Tuesday, October 1, 2013


The differences between Hamlet's soliloquy and Jobs' speech are that the soliloquy is more of an internal conflict which we all come across and Jobs' speech is more of a statement that tells you to do something rather than questions it like in Hamlet. Hamlet focuses more on our feelings and thoughts when our brains wonder and how we get lost in them which he explains that is not necessarily a bad thing. We need that sometimes to relieve our stresses in life and to forget about certain things in the moment and that this is perfectly fine. Yet, Jobs' points out that although we may feel like this a lot of the time and we may just want to constantly escape from the challenges we face on a day-to-day basis, it's best to ALWAYS push ourselves forward and truly find what we want in our lives. Not our mothers or fathers or aunts uncles friends teachers or grandparents. But to find what truly inspires us and what we have a passion for because ultimately that is the key to success and when you love something enough, you do whatever it takes to make it possible no matter how many times you have failed. Everything is possible as long as we want it as bad.

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