Sunday, February 16, 2014

Applying Rationality

My masterpiece field: Helping Others

Center for Applied Rationality

-created to give people a better understanding or control of their decisions and behavior
-research has shown how brains actually work, and what we can do to improve them
-techniques range reasoning from probability to decision making theory
-not just about understanding these techniques intellectually but applying them to your everyday life
-purpose to reach a state of mental clarity farther than you thought possible just as many in life should gain

5 Vocab Words

Astral (adj) -pertaining to or proceeding from the stars, stellar, star-shaped
Cognitive (adj) -of or pertaining to the mental process of perception, memory, judgment, and reasoning; contrasted with emotional processes
Exuberant (adj) -effusively and almost uninhibitedly enthusiastic; lavishly abundant 
Immersive (adj) -pertaining to digital technology or images that deeply involve one's senses and may create an altered state of mind
Profane (adj) -not devoted to holy or religious purposes

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