Wednesday, March 12, 2014


My Masterpiece Field: Helping Others

-Depression is something far more serious and much more than just "sadness"
-It is the absolute most common mental disorder and can, however, be treated
-Someone experiencing depression may begin to loose interest in daily life activities 
-Long term depression could lead to significant weight loss or weight gain
-Could also experience insomnia, excessive sleeping, loss of energy, inability to concentrate, feelings of worthlessness, excessive guilt, and/or recurring thoughts of suicide 
-Depression can occur to lack of friends or attention from others or loved ones
-The best way to handle it would be to surround yourself with positive optimistic people and begin to do all the things that truly make you happy inside and change everything outside that doesn't because you have the ability to change anything you dislike, within your means
-More of a mental struggle because it can also all be in your head, and most of it is temporary 
-Find new hobbies and join groups with other people if possible to become part of something big

5 Vocab Words

Abate (v) -to reduce in amount, degree, intensity 
Beckon (v) -to signal, summon or direct by a gesture of the head or hand 
Emanate (v) -to flow out, issue or proceed as from a source or origin
Esoteric (adj) -understood by or meant for only the select few who have knowledge or interest
Reprisal (n) -retaliation against an enemy, for injuries received by the infliction or greater or equal injuries 

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