Wednesday, March 26, 2014

In 5 Months

It used to scare me back then to not know where I was going to be exactly a year from now... And now I still do not know exactly what university I will be attending in just five months! FIVE MONTHS. Do you understand how insane that is? I have been accepted to colleges but not too interested in attending any of them really. I envy those of my peers that know exactly where they are going next year and what they are doing. I am double thinking college now and sort of want to join the Peace Corps but everyone says "Why would you do that? You don't make any money!" A part of me does not care because helping others is my passion and another part of me says, "Well how am I going to make a living?" Or "What about college?" It is scary and I fear what the future will bring, whatever it is, I hope I am happy doing what I am doing.  

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