Monday, March 10, 2014

Drug Addictions

My Masterpiece Field: Helping Others 

-Addiction is a condition in which the body must have a drug to avoid physical and psychological withdrawal
-First stage is dependence during which the drug dominates an individual's life
-Next stage is sadly, tolerance in which the person has become immune to certain doses and increases it
-Drugs then become the individuals priority in life and they begin to pay attention to nothing more but drugs
-Many people take on addictions and continue to resist them and choose to not fight them because they feel as though the drug addiction is the reason why they should continue living and that it is in some way helping them when in reality it is just completely destroying them and soon enough it will kill them
-Changing these behaviors will take a lot of work unless mental cooperation takes place by the individual, however, it is important to understand that it will not be easy for the drug addicts
-No drug has been proven to benefit anyone in any way by constant abuse of it and it never will
-Drug addicts are not only destroying their own lives but the ones who love and care around them

5 Vocab Words

Esoteric (adj) -understood by or meant for only the select few who have special knowledge or interest; recondite, secret, confidential
Extremities (n) -the extreme or terminal point, limit of something
Facade (n) -a superficial appearance or illusion of something 
Paramedics (n) -a person who is trained to assist a physician or to give first aid or other health care in the absence of a physician 
Synthesis (n) -a complex whole form of combining 

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